

1. 个人简历:

葛晓阳,男,博士,助理研究员。主要从事棉花体细胞胚胎发生,棉花株型发育相关的基础研究。主持科研项目主要有:国家自然科学基金青年基金:“GhMYC3调控棉花体细胞胚胎发生的分子机制”,起止时间:2018.01-2020.12。棉花生物学国家重点实验室自主课题:棉花中基因CRISPR/Cpf1技术的基因定点编辑体系的构建,起止时间:2018.01-2019.12.先后发表论文30余篇,以第一作者或通讯作者在Journal of proteome research, Scientific Reports, Plant science ,BMC genetics ,Plant cell reports 和Science bulletin上发表论文6篇,参与出版著作1部《棉花体细胞胚胎发生》 。2017年获得 “神农中华农业科技奖”。

2. 教育经历:

2012-2016  中国农业大学   作物遗传育种 博士

2009-2012  南京农业大学   遗传学       硕士

2005-2009  江西农业大学   理学         学士

3. 工作经历:

2016-至今    中国农业科学院棉花研究所  助理研究员

4. 承担项目:

(1)国家自然科学基金青年基金,31701476, 2018.01-2020.12,22万,主持。

(2)棉花生物所国家重点实验室自主课题,CB2018C01, 2018.01-201912, 24万,主持。

5. 代表论文与著作:

(1)Liu, Nana., Sun, Yun., Wang, Ping., Duan, Hongxia., Ge, Xiaoyang., Li, Xiancai., Li Fuguang., Hou, Yuxia. (2018) Mutation of key amino acids in the polygalacturonase-inhibiting proteins CkPGIP1 and GhPGIP1 improves resistance to Verticillium wilt in cotton. [J]. Plant Journal.

(2)Zhang, Zhennan., Ge, Xiaoyang., Luo, Xiaoli., Wang, Peng., Fan, Qiang., Hu, Guang.,Li Fuguang., Wu, Jiahe. (2018). Simultaneous Editing of Two Copies of Confers Enhanced Transgene-Clean Plant Defense Against in Allotetraploid Upland Cotton., Front Plant Sci, 9, 842.

(3)Xiao, Yanqing., Chen, Yanli., Ding, Yanpeng., Wu, Jie., Wang, Peng., Yu, Ya., Fuguang Li., Ge, Xiaoyang. (2018). Effects of GhWUS from upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) on somatic embryogenesis and shoot regeneration., Plant Sci., 270, 157-165.

(4)Chen, Yanli., Yang, Zhaoen., Xiao, Yanqing., Wang, Peng., Wang, Ye., Ge, Xiaoyang.,Li, Fuguang. (2018). Genome-Wide Analysis of the NF-YB Gene Family in Gossypium hirsutum L. and Characterization of the Role of GhDNF-YB22 in Embryogenesis., Int J Mol Sci, 19(2).

(5)Wang, Xiaoqian., Chen, Eryong., Ge, Xiaoyang., Gong, Qian., Butt, HamamaIslam., Zhang, Chaojun., Li, Fuguang.,Zhang, Xueyan. (2018). Overexpressed BRH1, a RING finger gene, alters rosette leaf shape in Arabidopsis thaliana., Sci China Life Sci, 61(1), 79-87.

(6)Liu, Zhao., Ge, Xiaoyang., Yang, Zuoren., Zhang, Chaojun., Zhao, Ge., Chen, Eryong., Li, Fuguang. (2017). Genome-wide identification and characterization of SnRK2 gene family in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)., BMC Genet., 18(1), 54.

(7)Xu, Zhenzhen., Zhang, Chaojun., Ge, Xiaoyang., Wang, Ni., Zhou, Kehai., Yang, Xiaojie., Li, Fuguang. (2015). Construction of a high-density linkage map and mapping quantitative trait loci for somatic embryogenesis using leaf petioles as explants in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)., Plant Cell Rep., 34(7), 1177-87.

(8)Ge, Xiaoyang., Zhang, Chaojun., Wang, Qianhua., Yang, Zuoren., Wang, Ye., Zhang, Xueyan., Li, Fuguang. (2015). iTRAQ protein profile differential analysis between somatic globular and cotyledonary embryos reveals stress, hormone, and respiration involved in increasing plantlet regeneration of Gossypium hirsutum L., J. Proteome Res., 14(1), 268-78.

(9) Xiaoyang Ge ,Jie Wu ,Chaojun Zhang , Qianhua Wang,Yuxia Hou,Zuoren Yang,Zhaoen Yang, Zhenzhen Xu, Ye Wang , Lili Lu ,Xueyan Zhang , Jinping Hua, Fuguang Li. (2016). Prediction of VIGS efficiency by the Sfold program and its reliability analysis in Gossypium hirsutum. Science bulletin, 61(7), 543-551.

(10)Zhi-An Wang, Qing Li, Xiao-Yang Ge, Chun-Lin Yang, Xiao-Li Luo, An-Hong Zhang, Juan-Li Xiao, Ying-Chuan Tian, Gui-Xian Xia, Xiao-Ying Chen, Fu-Guang Li & Jia-He Wu (2015). The mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase 1 gene GhmMDH1 is involved in plant and root growth under phosphorus deficiency conditions in cotton. Scientific reports, 5, 10343.


6. 获得奖励:


7. 联系方式:

