

1. 个人简历:    

宋纯鹏,男,博士,教授,博士生导师。1990年在北京大学获理学硕士学位,1997年在中国农业大学获理学博士学位。1994-1995年和1999-2003年分别在英国Lancaster大学和美国Arizona大学做访学和博士后研究。主要研究干旱等逆境胁迫条件下植物体内活性氧产生及信号途径以及营养缺乏条件下植物根系可塑性发育的分子机制,玉米、棉花和小麦抗逆关键基因克隆和功能阐释。国家杰出青年基金获得者,国家重点基础研究发展计划(“973”计划)项目首席科学家,中国植物生理与分子生物学学会副理事长。中国植物生理学与植物分子生物学学会、中国细胞生物学学会副理事长,中国植物学会植物细胞生物学专业委员会主席,学术期刊New Phytologist、Molecular Plant和Frontiers of Biology编委等。荣获国家自然科学二等奖、全国杰出专业技术人才、河南省科学技术杰出贡献奖、河南省中原学者。现为河南大学校长、棉花生物学国家重点实验室副主任、省部共建植物逆境生物学重点实验室主任。发表学术论文近百篇,出版著作7部,授权专利6项。

2. 教育经历:

1995.09--1997.07  中国农业大学生物学院植物生理学专业      博士研究生

1987.09--1990.07  北京大学生物学系植物生理生化专业        硕士研究生

1979.09--1983.07  河南师范大学(原新乡师院)生物学专业    学士

3. 工作经历:

2017.09—至今  河南大学校长兼棉花生物学国家重点实验室常务副主任、植物逆境教育部省部重点实验室主任

2010.12—2017.9  河南大学副校长兼棉花生物学国家重点实验室常务副主任、植物逆境教育部省部重点实验室主任

2006.05--2010.12  河南大学副校长兼植物逆境教育部省部重点实验室主任

2005.07--2006.05  河南大学生命科学院院长兼教育部省部重点实验室主任

2002.04--2005.07  河南大学生命科学学院院长 (1999.03--2003.03美国亚里桑拿大学从事博士后研究工作)

1997.05--2002.04  河南大学生物系主任

1994.02--1997.05  河南大学生物系副主任(1994.06--1995.06英国Lancaster大学访学)

1986.06--1994.02  河南大学生物系教师

1983.07--1986.06  豫西农业专科学校教师

4. 承担项目:

(1)作物水分高效利用机理与调控的基础研究(2012CB114300),国家重点研究基础发展计划项目(973 计划),首席科学家:宋纯鹏,2012.1-2016.8,3460万。











5. 代表论文与著作:

(1)Dong H, Bai L, Zhang Y, Zhang G, Mao Y, Min L, Xiang F, Qian D, Zhu X, Song CP*. Modulation of Guard Cell Turgor and Drought Tolerance by a Peroxisomal Acetate-Malate Shunt. Mol Plant. 2018, pii: S1674-2052(18)30242-9.

(2)Gao W, Xu FC, Guo DD, Zhao JR, Liu J, Guo YW, Singh PK, Ma XN, Long L, Botella JR, Song CP*.Calcium-dependent protein kinases in cotton: insights into early plant responses to salt stress. BMC Plant Biol. 2018,18(1):15.

(3)Qi J, Song CP, Wang B, Zhou J, Kangasjärvi J, Zhu JK, Gong Z. Reactive oxygen species signaling and stomatal movement in plant responses to drought stress and pathogen attack. J Integr Plant Biol. 2018;60(9):805-826.

(4)Li H, Li K, Guo Y, Guo J, Miao K, Botella JR, Song CP, Miao Y. A transient transformation system for gene characterization in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum). Plant Methods. 2018,22;14:50.

(5)Wang K, He J, Zhao Y, Wu T, Zhou X, Ding Y, Kong L, Wang X, Wang Y, Li J, Song CP, Wang B, Yang S, Zhu JK, Gong Z. EAR1 Negatively Regulates ABA Signaling by Enhancing 2C Protein Phosphatase Activity. Plant Cell. 2018 Apr;30(4):815-834.

(6)Zhang D, Zhou Y, Zhao X, Lv L, Zhang C, Li J, Sun G, Li S*, Song CP*.Development and Utilization of Introgression Lines Using Synthetic Octaploid Wheat (Aegilops tauschii Hexaploid Wheat) as Donor. Front Plant Sci. 2018,9:1113.

(7)Li K, Yang F, Miao Y, Song CP*. Abscisic acid signaling is involved in regulating the mitogen-activated protein kinase cascade module, AIK1-MKK5-MPK6. Plant Signal Behav. 2017,12(5):e1321188. 

(8)Gao W, Long L, Tian X, Xu F, Liu J, Singh PK, Botella JR, Song CP*.Genome Editing in Cotton with the CRISPR/Cas9 System. Front Plant Sci. 2017,8:1364.

(9)Chen M, Li K, Li H, Song CP*, Miao Y*. The Glutathione Peroxidase Gene Family in Gossypium hirsutum: Genome-Wide Identification, Classification, Gene Expression and Functional Analysis. Sci Rep. 2017,7:44743.

(10)Li K, Yang F, Zhang G, Song S, Li Y, Ren D, Miao Y*, Song CP*. AIK1, A mitogen-activated protein Kinase, Modulates Abscisic Acid Responses through the MKK5-MPK6 kinase Cascade. Plant Physiol. 2017, 173: 1391-1408.

(11)Song Y, Xiang F, Zhang G, Miao Y, Miao C, Song CP*. Abscisic Acid as an Internal Integrator of Multiple Physiological Processes Modulates Leaf Senescence Onset in Arabidopsis thaliana. Front Plant Sci. 2016, 7: 181.

(12)Chan Z*, Yokawa K, Kim WY, Song CP*. Editorial: ROS Regulation during Plant Abiotic Stress Responses. Front Plant Sci. 2016, 7:1536.

(13)Lei KJ, Lin YM, Ren J, Bai L, Miao YC, An GY*, Song CP*. Modulation of the Phosphate-Deficient Responses by MicroRNA156 and its Targeted SQUAMOSA PROMOTER BINDING PROTEIN-LIKE 3 in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell Physiol. 2016, 57: 192-203.

(14)Sun Q, Du X, Cai C, Long L, Zhang S, Qiao P, Wang W, Zhou K, Wang G, Liu X, Zhang H, Geng S, Yang C, Gao W, Mo J, Miao C, Song C*, Cai Y*. To Be a Flower or Fruiting Branch: Insights Revealed by mRNA and Small RNA Transcriptomes from Different Cotton Developmental Stages. Sci Rep. 2016, 6:23212.

(15)Wang P, Du Y, Hou YJ, Zhao Y, Hsu CC, Yuan F, Zhu X, Tao WA, Song CP, Zhu JK*. Nitric oxide negatively regulates abscisic acid signaling in guard cells by S-nitrosylation of OST1. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2015, 112: 613-618.

(16)Bai L, Ma X, Zhang G, Song S, Zhou Y, Gao L, Miao Y, Song CP*. A Receptor-Like Kinase Mediates Ammonium Homeostasis and Is Important for the Polar Growth of Root Hairs in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell. 2014, 26: 1497-1511.

(17)Song Y, Miao Y, Song CP*. Behind the scenes: the roles of reactive oxygen species in guard cells. New Phytol. 2014, 201: 1121-1140.

(18)Wang P, Du Y, Zhao X, Miao Y, Song CP*. The MPK6-ERF6-ROS-Responsive cis-Acting Element7/GCC Box Complex Modulates Oxidative Gene Transcription and the Oxidative Response in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol. 2013, 161:1392-1408.

(19)Wang P, Du Y, Li Y, Ren D, Song CP*. Hydrogen peroxide-mediated activation of MAP kinase 6 modulates nitric oxide biosynthesis and signal transduction in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell. 2010, 22: 2981-2998.

(20)Bai L, Zhang G, Zhou Y, Zhang Z, Wang W, Du Y, Wu Z, Song CP*. Plasma membrane-associated proline-rich extensin-like receptor kinase 4, a novel regulator of Ca signalling, is required for abscisic acid responses in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant J. 2009, 60:314-327.

(21)Wang P, Song CP*. Guard-cell signalling for hydrogen peroxide and abscisic acid. New Phytol. 2008, 178:703-718.

(22)Zhao F, Song CP, He J, Zhu H*. Polyamines improve K+/Na+ homeostasis in barley seedlings by regulating root ion channel activities. Plant Physiol. 2007, 145:1061-1072.

(23)Miao Y, Lv D, Wang P, Wang XC, Chen J, Miao C, Song CP*. An Arabidopsis glutathione peroxidase functions as both a redox transducer and a scavenger in abscisic acid and drought stress responses. Plant Cell. 2006 , 18:2749-2766.

(24)Song CP, Galbraith DW*. AtSAP18, an orthologue of human SAP18, is involved in the regulation of salt stress and mediates transcriptional repression in Arabidopsis. Plant Mol Biol. 2006, 60: 241-257.

(25)Song CP, Agarwal M, Ohta M, Guo Y, Halfter U, Wang P, Zhu JK*. Role of an Arabidopsis AP2/EREBP-type transcriptional repressor in abscisic acid and drought stress responses. Plant Cell. 2005, 17: 2384-2396.

(26)Song CP, Guo Y, Qiu Q, Lambert G, Galbraith DW, Jagendorf A, Zhu JK*. A probable Na+(K+)/H+ exchanger on the chloroplast envelope functions in pH homeostasis and chloroplast development in Arabidopsis thaliana. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2004, 101:10211-10216.

(27)Zhang X, Wang H, Takemiya A, Song CP, Kinoshita T, Shimazaki K*. Inhibition of blue light-dependent H+ pumping by abscisic acid through hydrogen peroxide-induced dephosphorylation of the plasma membrane H+-ATPase in guard cell protoplasts. Plant Physiol. 2004, 136:4150-4158.

(28)Zhang X, Zhang L, Dong F, Gao J, Galbraith DW, Song CP*. Hydrogen peroxide is involved in abscisic acid-induced stomatal closure in Vicia faba. Plant Physiol. 2001, 126:1438-1448.

(29)Zhu J, Gong Z, Zhang C, Song CP, Damsz B, Inan G, Koiwa H, Zhu JK, Hasegawa PM, Bressan RA*. OSM1/SYP61: a syntaxin protein in Arabidopsis controls abscisic acid-mediated and non-abscisic acid-mediated responses to abiotic stress. Plant Cell. 2002, 14:3009-3028.

(30)Guo Y, Xiong L, Song CP, Gong D, Halfter U, Zhu JK*. A calcium sensor and its interacting protein kinase are global regulators of abscisic acid signaling in Arabidopsis. Dev Cell. 2002, 3:233-244.

(31)Zhang X, Miao YC, An GY, Zhou Y, Shangguan ZP, Gao JF, Song CP*. K+ channels inhibited by hydrogen peroxide mediate abscisic acid signaling in Vicia guard cells. Cell Res. 2001, 11:195-202.

(32)Zhang X, Dong FC, Gao JF, Song CP*. Hydrogen peroxide-induced changes in intracellular pH of guard cells precede stomatal closure. Cell Res. 2001, 11:37-43.

(33)Gao W, Long L, Tian XQ, Jin JJ, Liu HL, Zhang H, Xu FC, Song CP*. Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of stress-associated proteins (SAPs) containing A20/AN1 zinc finger in cotton. Mol Genet Genomics. 2016, 291: 2199-2213.

(34)Zhou Y., Bai L, Song CP*. Ammonium homeostasis and signaling in plant cells. Science Bulletin. 2015, 60: 741-747.

(35)Lei KJ, Xie JY, Zhu YY, Song CP, An GY*. Screening and analysis of rhizosphere acidification deficiency mutants in Arabidopsis thaliana under low phosphorus. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 2015, 3: 1-8.

(36)Bai L, Zhou Y, Ma X, Gao L, Song CP*. Arabidopsis CAP1-mediated ammonium sensing required reactive oxygen species in plant cell growth. Plant Signal Behav. 2014, 9: e29582.

(37)Wang DJ*, Yang CL, Lu M, Huang F, Guo AG, Song CP*. Cloning and Characterization of Importin Alpha in Brassica napus L. Crop Science, 2013, 53: 2538-2549. 

(38)Wang P, Du Y, Song CP*. Phosphorylation by MPK6: a conserved transcriptional modification mediates nitrate reductase activation and NO production? Plant Signal Behav. 2011, 6: 889-891.

(39)Wang PT, Liu H, Hua HJ, Wang L, Song CP*. A vacuole localized β-glucosidase contributes to drought tolerance in Arabidopsis. Chin. Sci. Bull. 2011, 56: 3538-3546.

(40)Bai L, Zhou Y, Song CP*. Arabidopsis proline-rich extensin-like receptor kinase 4 modulates the early event toward abscisic acid response in root tip growth. Plant Signal Behav. 2009, 4: 1075-1077. 

(41)Jiang J, Song CP*. MEK1/2 and p38-like MAP kinase successively mediate H2O2 signaling in Vicia guard cell. Plant Signal Behav. 2008, 3: 996-998.

(42)Du YY, Wang PC, Chen J, Song CP*. Comprehensive functional analysis of the catalase gene family in Arabidopsis thaliana. J Integr Plant Biol. 2008, 50: 1318-1326. 

(43)Jiang J, Wang P, An G, Wang P, Song CP*. The involvement of a P38-like MAP kinase in ABA-induced and H2O2-mediated stomatal closure in Vicia faba L. Plant Cell Rep. 2008, 27: 377-385. 

(44)Miao YC, Guo JG, Liu ET, Li K, Dai J, Wang PC, Chen J, Song CP*. Osmotically stress-regulated the expression of glutathione peroxidase 3 in Arabidopsis. Chin. Sci. Bull. 2007, 52: 127-130.

(45)Bai L, Zhou Y, Zhang XR, Song CP*, Cao MQ. Hydrogen peroxide modulates abscisic acid signaling in root growth and development in Arabidopsis. Chin. Sci. Bull. 2007, 52 : 1142-1145.

(46)Song YW, Kang YL, Liu H, Zhao XL, Wang PT, An GY, Zhou Y, Miao C, Song CP*. Identification and primary genetic analysis of Arabidopsis stomatal mutants in response to multiple stresses. Chin. Sci. Bull. 2006, 51: 2586-2594.

(47)Wang P, Du YY, An GY, Zhou Y, Miao C, Song CP*. Analysis of global expression profiles of Arabidopsis genes under abscisic acid and H2O2 applications. J Integr Plant Bio. 2006, 48: 62-74.

(48)Cheng Y, Song CP*. Hydrogen peroxide homeostasis and signaling in plant cells. Sci China C Life Sci. 2006, 49: 1-11. 

(49)Jiang J, An GY, Wang PC, Wang PT, Han JF, Jia YB, Song CP*. MAP kinase specifically mediates the ABA-induced H2O2 generation in guard cells of Vicia faba L. Chin. Sci. Bull. 2003, 48: 1919-1926.

(50)Bohnert HJ, Ayoubi P, Song CP, et al. A genomic approach towards salt stress tolerance. Plant Physiol. Biochem. 2001, 39: 295-311. 

(51)Song CP*, An G, Ma X, Du Z, Wang XC. Involvement of Ca2+ in 1-Aminocyclopropane-1-Carboxylic Acid-Stimulated Pollen Germination. J. Plant Growth Regul. 1998, 17: 95-99.

(52)高巍, 刘会利, 田新权, 张慧, 宋洁, 杨勇, 龙璐, 宋纯鹏*. 海岛棉转录因子基因GbMYB60的克隆、表达及其抗逆性分析. 作物学报, 2016, 42: 1342-1351.

(53)高志勇, 刘浩, 王宏亮, 李宁, 宋玉伟, 王道杰, 苗雨晨, 宋纯鹏*. 玉米遗传突变体群体创制和干旱反应突变体筛选与鉴定. 科学通报, 2014, 59(3): 279-286.

(54)高安礼, 吴晴阳, 张宇, 苗雨晨, 宋纯鹏*. 拟南芥钙依赖的蛋白激酶CPK28正向参与渗透胁迫应答反应. 科学通报, 2014, 59(1): 50-58.

(55)刘凌云, 李娜, 姚春鹏, 孟飒飒, 宋纯鹏*. 拟南芥中ABR蛋白家族在ABA和逆境胁迫信号转导过程中功能分析. 科学通报, 2013, 58(27): 2751-2761.

(56)安国勇, 李保珠, 武桂丽, 宋纯鹏*. H2O2作为根源信号介导盐胁迫诱导的蚕豆气孔关闭反应. 植物生理学报, 2012, 48(3): 265-271.

(57)安国勇, 丁秀艳, 武桂丽, 李海旺, 宋纯鹏*. ECS1参与调节CO2诱导的拟南芥气孔关闭和H2O2积累. 植物学报, 2012, 47(3): 209-216.

(58)赵孝亮, 安国勇, 王鹏程, 白玲, 宋纯鹏*. 拟南芥根生长缺陷突变体rei1的分离和鉴定. 植物学报, 2011, 46(5):498-505.

(59)白玲, 宋纯鹏*. 脱落酸被土壤“掩盖”了的功能:调节根系构型形态建成. 生命科学, 2010, 22(1):29-35.

(60)张小莉, 王鹏程, 宋纯鹏*. 植物细胞过氧化氢的测定方法. 植物学报, 2009, 44(1):103-106.

(61)王鹏程, 杜艳艳, 宋纯鹏*. 植物细胞一氧化氮信号转导研究进展. 植物学报, 2009, 44(5):517-525.

(62)张国增, 白玲, 宋纯鹏*. 低温胁迫下拟南芥CBF1超表达突变体胞质中Ca2+浓度的变化. 植物学报, 2009, 44(3):283-289.

(63)江静, 韩栓, 宋纯鹏*. SB202190调节蚕豆保卫细胞中SA诱导H2O2产生. 植物学通报, 2007, 24(4):444-451.

(64)何金环, 王朋涛, 王文静, 宋纯鹏*. SA对蚕豆气孔运动和保卫细胞质膜K+通道的影响. 作物学报, 2007, 33(9):1479-1487.

(65)何金环, 左金淼, 王朋涛, 宋纯鹏*. 共聚焦显微技术研究SA对蚕豆气孔保卫细胞的影响. 西北植物学报, 2007, 27(1):49-54.

(66)何金环, 李利红, 宋纯鹏*. 活性氧不敏感型拟南芥的突变体对H2O2的响应. 植物生理学通讯, 2007, 43(1):31-35.

(67)何金环, 李存法, 王朋涛, 宋纯鹏*. NADPH氧化酶参与水杨酸诱导的蚕豆气孔关闭过程. 植物生理学通讯, 2007, 43(6):1040-1044.

(68)苗雨晨, 白玲, 苗琛, 陈珈, 宋纯鹏*. 植物谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶研究进展. 植物学通报, 2005, 22(3):350-356.

(69)吕东, 张骁, 江静, 安国勇, 张玲瑞, 宋纯鹏*. NO可能作为H2O2的下游信号介导ABA诱导的蚕豆气孔关闭. 植物生理与分子生物学学报, 2005, 31(1):62-70.

(70)江静, 宋纯鹏*. 植物胁迫信号转导过程中活性氧和促细胞分裂原活化蛋白激酶的调节作用. 植物生理与分子生物学学报, 2005, 31(1):1-10.

(71)薄惠, 王棚涛, 董发才, 宋纯鹏*. 拟南芥保卫细胞中茉莉酸甲酯诱导的H2O2产生与MAPK信号转导体系的可能关系. 植物生理学通讯, 2005, 41(4):439-443.

(72)张国增, 安国勇, 宋纯鹏*. 不同培养条件对拟南芥根细胞膜片钳记录的影响. 植物学通报, 2005, 22(1):27-31.

(73)杨惠娟, 安国勇, 张国增, 苗琛, 周云, 宋纯鹏*. Na+和Ca2+对拟南芥根原生质体质膜内向K+通道电流的影响. 西北植物学报, 2004,24(8):1409-1413.

(74)安国勇, 江静, 周云, 董发才, 吕东, 宋纯鹏*. 超氧阴离子通过提高[Ca2+]cyt调节保卫细胞K+通道和气孔运动. 生物物理学报, 2004, 20(2):143-149.

(75)宋玉伟, 宋纯鹏*. 红外成像技术在生命科学中的应用. 生命科学研究, 2004,8(2):121-125.

(76)董发才, 苗琛, 荆艳彩, 安国勇, 杨惠娟, 宋纯鹏*. 小麦根系过氧化氢积累与耐盐性的关系. 武汉植物学研究, 2002, 20(4):293-298.

(77)董发才, 崔香环, 安国勇, 王棚涛, 宋纯鹏*. Ca2+在茉莉酸甲酯诱导拟南芥气孔关闭中的信号转导作用. 植物生理与分子生物学学报, 2002, 28(6):457-462.

(78)何金环, 董发才, 安国勇, 宋纯鹏*. 拟南芥活性氧不敏感型突变体的筛选与特性分析. 西北植物学报, 2002, 22(3):496-504.

(79)张骁, 上官周平, 高俊凤, 宋纯鹏*. 保卫细胞的ABA信号转导. 植物生理学报, 2001, 5:361-368.

(80)张骁, 张霖, 安国勇, 高俊凤, 宋纯鹏*. 共聚焦显微技术研究ABA诱导蚕豆气孔保卫细胞H2O2的产生(简报). 实验生物学报, 2001, 26(1):71-76.

(81)苗雨晨, 董发才, 宋纯鹏*. 过氧化氢——植物体内的一种信号分子. 生物学杂志, 2001, 18(2): 4-6.

(82)苗雨晨, 董发才, 宋纯鹏*. NADPH氧化酶可能参与了ABA诱导蚕豆气孔保卫细胞运动. 武汉植物学研究, 2001, 19(4):311-316.

(83)董发才, 王朋涛, 张霖, 宋纯鹏*. 过氧化氢在水杨酸诱导的蚕豆气孔关闭中的作用(英文). 植物生理学报, 2001, 27(4): 296-302.

(84)安国勇, 宋纯鹏*, 张骁, 荆艳彩, 阳冬梅, 黄美娟, 周培爱, 吴才宏. 过氧化氢对蚕豆气孔运动和质膜K+通道的影响. 植物生理学报, 2000, 26(5): 458-464.

(85)苗雨晨, 宋纯鹏*, 董发才, 王学臣. ABA诱导蚕豆气孔保卫细胞H2O2的产生. 植物生理学报, 2000, 26(1): 54-59.

(86)董发才, 宋纯鹏*. 植物细胞中的泛素及其生理功能. 植物生理学通讯, 1999, 35(1):54-59.

(87)张骁, 董发才, 宋纯鹏*, 高俊凤. 植物细胞的氧化猝发和H2O2的信号转导. 植物生理学通讯, 2000, 36(4):376-383.

(88)安国勇, 宋纯鹏*, 黄美娟, 阳冬梅, 周培爱, 吴才宏. 记录气孔保卫细胞质膜离子通道的膜片钳方法. 植物生理学通讯, 1998, 34(2): 129-132.

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6. 专利:

(1)宋纯鹏,安国勇,王红霞,张霖,丁鹏,赵孝亮,王棚涛,刘浩.拟南芥基因IAR1 在铁营养利用及抗旱方面的应用.专利号:ZL200910064139.1

(2)宋纯鹏,安国勇,薛小波,赵孝亮,王棚涛,宋玉伟,刘浩.拟南芥基因ROI1 在植物抗高温胁迫方面的应用.专利号:ZL200910064138.7


(4)宋纯鹏,白玲,周云,张兆沛,张国增. 拟南芥基因AIK1 在调控植物生长发育及抗胁迫方面的应用.专利号:ZL200910064420.5.



7. 联系方式:

